
Montair is one of only a select number of flight schools around the world to receive approval from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) to train future Chinese airline pilots. We also have authorization from Transport Canada to deliver Integrated ATPL courses, the highest level of professional training course available in Canada. Currently, only 11 schools in the country have this ability and Montair is the only school in British Columbia to obtain this credential.

Montair is also designated by B.C. Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) under the B.C Ministry of Advanced Education and has Education Quality Assurance (EQA) designation from the Province of British Columbia.


BC_PrivateTrainingDesignated_PNGThe Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education administers the Private Training Act and associated regulations. PTIB is responsible for: Ensuring institutions meet the requirements and standards for certification, maintaining a Private Training Institution Directory of all certified institutions and the programs they provide, along with formerly certified institutions and providing student protection and overseeing the Student Tuition Protection Fund. For more information about PTIB accreditation, visit


Education Quality Assurance (EQA) is a quality assurance designation that identifies BC public and private post-secondary institutions that have met or exceeded provincial government recognized quality assurance standards and offer consumer protection. EQA provides one standard provincial seal that can be recognized globally as symbol of quality. The EQA seal allows students to easily identify which provincial institutions the government of BC recognizes as having met quality assurance standards and that offer consumer protection to learners.For more information about EQA designation, visit

Transport Canada

The Civil Aviation Directorate, also known as Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA), promotes the safety of the national air transportation system through its regulatory framework and oversight activities. We are responsible for advancing the safety of all aspects of civil aviation in Canada. (Civil aviation is distinguished from military aviation.)  As part of the regulatory framework, we develop policies, guidelines, regulations, standards and educational materials to advance civil aviation safety in Canada.  As part of our oversight activities, we verify that the aviation industry complies with the regulatory framework through certifications, assessments, validations, inspections and enforcement.


CAACThe Civil Aviation Administration of China is the aviation authority under the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China. It oversees civil aviation and investigates aviation accidents and incidents.