Flight Instructor Rating

The completion of the Class 4 Instructor Rating could be the beginning of your aviation career! If you are passionate about teaching, learning and would like to pass on your aviation knowledge an Instructor Rating could be for you!

Montair’s instructor rating program has been reviewed and approved by the registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training. Our training goes above the minimum requirements and truly prepares you for the world of flight instruction – providing the skills and confidence you need to teach other people how to fly.

There are no membership fees at Montair.

Admission Requirements
  • Minimum 18 years of age
  • Valid Canadian CPL
  • Valid Category 1 Aviation Medical
  • CFI approval through an interview process
Estimated Cost
TrainingHoursPer Hour RateTotal*
Ground Instruction25$93.08$2,327.00
Hours Dual Flight Instruction25$336.09$8,402.25
Hours Simulator Instruction5$251.18$1,255.90
Supplies**----As required
Flight Test Fee----$200
TC Licensing Fee----$30
Written Exam Fee----$35
TOTAL ESTIMATE*----$12,250.15
*Taxes not Included.
**A variety of supplies including supplementary reading textbooks, notebooks and equipment may be purchased by the candidate but are optional based on personal preferences.

Aircraft rates are current as of April 1, 2024 and based on fuel costs at that time. Fuel charges may increase or decrease in line with retail fuel prices, in accordance with Montair’s Fuel Charge Pricing.

The above estimate is based on Transport Canada minimum requirements utilizing a Cessna 172 aircraft. From our experience, our policy is that candidates should expect to require a minimum of 50 hours of ground instruction to be able to successfully pass the Transport Canada flight test and to be a proficient and effective instructor. The instructor rating requires extensive study and preparation time and if the candidate does not commit to these then total costs to complete the training will increase.

Rates include the premium for a Class One instructor, are stated in Canadian dollars and are subject to change without prior notice. Taxes are not included.

All flight training students will be required to undertake a formal Aviation Language Proficiency Demonstration to be issued a Canadian Aviation Booklet unless they are Canadian citizens who have graduated from, or are currently enrolled in, a Canadian English speaking high school and have the approval of the Chief Flight Instructor.

This program may lead to the endorsement of a rating on a Commercial Pilot Licence. Careers as a Commercial Pilot are regulated by Transport Canada.


Please email admissions@montairaviation.com to start the application process or if you have any questions about the program.