Language Proficiency
All courses taught at Montair will be conducted in English only and in accordance with the applicable International Civil Aviation Organization regulations. Pilots must demonstrate speaking and listening comprehension in English.
Transport Canada’s Aviation-Language Proficiency Test (ALPT) must be passed to a minimum Level 4 standard for any pilot to receive a licence in Canada. Therefore, Montair cannot admit any potential student on to a training course unless they already have an ICAO Aviation English Level 4 standard (or higher), or Montair sees the capability of that student to pass the test before acting as Pilot-in-Command of our aircraft. Graduates of a Canadian High School may also qualify for an informal language demonstration and do not usually require the formal assessment. The language test is conducted over the phone and is administered by a Transport Canada delegate. Montair can assist with making the required arrangements.
In order to prevent international students from enrolling in courses which they will be unable to complete due to lack of English language proficiency, Montair has established a screening assessment as we have access to both current and ex-Transport Canada delegated language examiners. The results of this pre-screening will indicate if the student has the capability to later be successful at passing the official test once they arrive in Canada. The evaluation will be conducted over the phone at no cost to the student.
Once enrolled on the course, Montair has significant experience in assisting ESL students to improve their aviation English proficiency and we have a number of internal and external resources should they be needed. For more information on the Transport Canada Aviation Language Proficiency Test, please click here.